Thursday, April 29, 2021

This just in! from the City of Batavia’s April 23 Newsletter. I encourage all of our Plain Dirt Gardeners, and their friends, to complete the survey!(Note: you may need to copy and paste the links into a new window)

Fox River Corridor Survey and Plan

In partnership with the City of Batavia, the Batavia Park District has launched a comprehensive planning process for the Batavia Fox River Corridor that is intended to enhance recreational function, river ecology, cultural importance, and stewardship of Batavia’s most valuable natural resources for future generations. The Park District has engaged a consultant team of planning, design, and engineering professionals led by Hitchcock Design Group (HDG), to develop a compelling vision for a 2-mile section of the Fox River from Fabyan Parkway to Carlisle Road, giving special attention to evaluating the function, safety, and use of the Batavia Dam and Depot Pond.

Residents and valued community partners are always a priority when determining the future of the City of Batavia. We are looking for your survey feedback so that we can best plan what changes you would like to see implemented in this ongoing project.

If you would like to learn more about the Batavia Fox River Corridor Planning process, you can view the April 20 Committee of the Whole joint board meeting to observe discussion and a presentation with the Hitchcock Design Group, the Batavia Park District, and the City of Batavia found on the Batavia Access Television YouTube Channel:

For more information on the process with the Hitchcock Design Group:

Take the Fox River Corridor Survey: