Monday, May 18, 2020

The turn-out on Tuesday was fantastic!  A big thank you to Al, Terri, Carol, Nancy H., Deb, Luna and Lindsay, and a warm welcome to our newest volunteer, Lindsay Sommers!  Thank you too to Jo for donating Fire Pinks, Bottle Gentians and Royal Catchfly plants.  They definitely are watered in, and will be gorgeous when they bloom!

This is where I usually tell everyone to take a stroll through the Wildflower Sanctuary, but this week I am not going to, because it is flooded and closed. Terri pointed out though, that there are some fun things blooming up on the hill towards the compost bin and shed, so if it does stop raining, you can check out that part.

To give you a little flavor, I have attached some photos:
1.  The bench on the east side of the WFS where we usually put our stuff while we are working
2.  A family portrait taken before it started to rain: Jack, Jack Senior, Jack Junior, Jackie and Jacqueline           
3.  A 2 foot long fish (carp?) swimming through our savannah 

At home, I will be thinning out some yellow Siberian Iris and 'Husker red' Foxglove Beardtongue Penstemon.  Let me know if you would like some plants. 

Things need to dry out a little bit (OK, a lot), so the next time I will be working at the Wildflower Sanctuary will be Saturday, May 23, starting at 9:00.  I will be cleaning up the area and hill between the cut and the Riverain parking lot.  The easiest way to get there is from the Riverain driveway.  If you have them, please bring gardening gloves, loppers, clippers, weed diggers, eye protection, etc.  Since there is still a virus on the loose, please remember that we need to stay 6 feet apart and bring your own water, snacks and mask.

Thanks for your help!
Sarah Kimber
Native Plants Chair