Last weekend at the Batavia Wildflower Sanctuary, we planted Twinleaf and Meadowsweet, pulled and weed-wrenched weeds, and laid a cobblestone path. Thank you so much to Terri H., Nancy H. and Deb M., and a big thank you to Laura W. for all of the plants!
The attached photos are a sample of what is blooming now: wild geranium (Geranium maculatum), and Jack-in-the-Pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum). Take a stroll along the Riverwalk and you will also see more spring bloomers, gosslings and lots of water.
We are still not having official work days at the WFS, but I will be there on Tuesday, May 12 starting at 9:00 am, and would love some company. We will be cleaning up the crescent-shaped area on the west side of the WFS near the start of the boardwalk. If you have them, gardening gloves, clippers, loppers, eye protection, a small weed wrench, and something for hauling clippings would all be handy. Due to COVID-19, please stay at least 6 feet apart, bring your own tools, mask, water and snack.