Our next work day will be on Friday, May 6th starting at 8:00. I know a lot of you will be helping set up for the Plain Dirt Gardeners Plant Sale that day, but if you are not, come help deadhead and put up beaver cages in the little prairie by the Riverain parking lot. Please bring clippers, gardening gloves, weed diggers, drinking water, eye protection, and something to haul clippings or weeds.
The set up for the Plain Dirt Gardeners Plant Sale is in the gym at Bethany Lutheran Church, volunteering there starts at noon and will run until it is done. The Plant Sale is from 9 a.m. to Noon on Saturday, May 7. Volunteer AND find some special plants for your yard!
Also, you might be interested in a free oak tree. While supplies last, burr, red, swamp white oak saplings are being handed out by Red Oak Nature Center, 2343 S. River Street (Route 25), Batavia. They are in a bin in front of the main entrance, so you can pick one up even if the nature center is closed.
Happy Spring!