Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Thank you SO much to Diana, Terri, Lorayne and Melissa for doing WFS tours for the public on Saturday. The walks seemed like a success, and we even had some publicity from Misty and Aimee of the Batavia Library.

Our June work days will be Saturday, June 5th and Friday, June 18th starting at 8:00. If 8:00 is too early for you, 9:00 is fine! On the 5th, we will be on the wooded (east) side to go after weeds (especially in the sidewalk cracks) and do some trimming. Please bring drinking water and eye protection, and if you have them, gardening gloves, weed digger, clippers, loppers, a kneeling pad and a bucket or tarp for hauling the weeds in.

In the meantime, I hope you have a fun and relaxing Memorial Day weekend,

Sarah Kimber

Native Plants Chair