Monday, November 16, 2020

Join the Batavia Plain Dirt Gardeners November 17 at 6:45 pm and learn how to “Make a Fall Arrangement with Nancy Hollmeier”.

Learn what supplies you'll need to create a lovely small centerpiece for your table this holiday season! The Zoom meeting does NOT require that you have Zoom on your computer, just click on the following link to join the meeting through Zoom (on line) anytime after 6:30 the night of the meeting (it should automatically link you directly into the Zoom meeting):

If you do get prompted for the meeting ID and Passcode, here they are: Meeting ID: 858 2964 1654 Passcode: 711666

Or, if you want to join by phone, you can call: Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) Meeting ID: 858 2964 1654 Passcode: 711666