Saturday, June 6, 2020

Hi Everyone!

A big thank you to Terri and Nancy H.!  They did not let talk of weeds, mud, or a heat wave scare them on Tuesday, and they cleaned up the previously flooded Riverwalk and a lot of weeds.
Thank you too, to Al for the wild ginger plants!  They seem to be taking hold.
We will be having another unofficial work day at the WFS on Saturday, June 13 at 8:00, and it would be great to have your company from 6 feet away.  Please note the earlier start time due to summer heat.  We will be working in the shade to clean up weeds and overhanging plants along the Riverwalk starting at the kiosk on the east side and working towards the dam.  If you have them, please bring gardening gloves, knee pads, clippers, loppers, weed diggers, etc.  Some water, a snack and a mask would also be a good idea.  
The first photo is a page from a book called Illinois Wildflowers by Don Kurz.  These yellow flowers are not at the WFS, but have been popping up in gardens all over the Fox Valley, so folks have been asking what it is.  Butterweed is native to southern Illinois, but has been making its way north. 
The other picture IS of native beauties that are blooming now at the WFS.  Take a stroll on the riverwalk to see them in person, along with anemonies, yellow iris, and golden Alexander.
Thanks for your help!
Sarah Kimber
Native Plants Chair
