Monday, March 9, 2020

Hi Nature Lovers,
Spring is on its way to the Batavia Riverwalk!

In order to get ready, we will be having a Wildflower Sanctuary work day on Saturday, March 14 at 9:30 am.  We will mostly be dead-heading, and will meet on the east (wooded) side.  If you have them, please bring clippers, loppers, work gloves, eye protection, and a bucket or tarp for hauling the clippings.

Then at 12:00 noon, we will have a beginning of the season planning meeting in the back room of Panera, 154 W. Wilson.  If you order at the counter, please let them know that we are meeting in the back room.  They now keep track of the total bill as "rent" on the room. 

You are invited to join us for the work day, the meeting, or better yet both!  
Current members of the Batavia Plain Dirt Gardeners AND all other interested volunteers are welcome!

Sarah Kimber
Native Plants Chair