Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Plan to join us on Tuesday Nov. 19

The Batavia Plain Dirt Gardeners will meet this coming Tuesday NOV. 19 at the Batavia Public Library.  A short program on recycling will be presented and then those who signed up PRIOR TO THE MEETING will be making a table decoration for Thanksgiving.  If you are one of the 18 who signed up to do this, bring a candlestick and, it is supposed to warm up a bit so if possible, please search your garden for pachysandra and ivy and other things that might be added.  Grasses, seed heads, evergreen branches ( small white pine tips are really nice additions) are all good.  Bring extras to share. The flowers in the decoration will be Fall oriented,  with mums and other long lived flowers: hopefully they will last until Thanksgiving if kept cool and additional water is added.  Bring garden shears of some sort to cut stems.

See you next Tuesday:
6:45 pm hospitality
7:00 Short business meeting
Speaker and activity to follow short business meeting