Our summer trip is Friday, July 19th will be a “road trip” including a stop at Contrary Mary, 2735 US 52 in Minooka, Lizzie’s Garden Center, 2455 W. 111th St.in Naperville, a stop somewhere for lunch and then a final stop at the Growing Place - 2000 Montgomery Rd., Aurora.
We will meet in the lower level of the library parking lot (drive down the hill and park at the lower level) and will car pool from there. If you can help drive, it would be great. Plan to throw in a couple of dollars toward gas if you are “riding”.
CALL NOW if you want to come. We only have 3 people so far and will otherwise cancel this one. Call Nancy Hollmeier know by phoning her at (630) 482-1133 by Sunday, July 13th 5pm.
Another idea - We are considering a trip to Racine to go to a “high end artsy” craft museum and then stopping at a large garden center up there. It would include going somewhere for lunch. Like that idea? Let Nancy know and we will plan it. Call her at (630) 482-1133 ASAP.