Thank you so much to Mary, Carol and Terri for braving the heat and gnats to clean up a lot of weeds on Saturday. Thanks too, to Jo for donating the fun lead plants (Amorpha canescens). Hopefully they will be glorious next year.
Unfortunately we have weeds and shrubs encroaching on the Riverwalk on the east (wooded) side of the WFS, so we are going to have an extra bonus clean-up day starting at 8:00 am on Monday, June 14 as well as the previously scheduled one on Friday, June 18. Luckily we will be in the shade! Please bring water, eye protection, weed diggers, clippers, loppers and something to tote the weeds in.
If you would like to help out on your own, we really need to have Crown vetch (Securigera varia) removed from the little prairie, where it is taking over. See photo below. The second picture is a quiz. See if you can find those yellow flowers at the WFS. If you do, their species will be obvious. Hint: they are at eye level.
Hope to see you next week!
Sarah Kimber