The Batavia Plain Dirt Gardeners will meet "by Zoom" on Tuesday February 16 at 6:45 PM.
Our topic this month is Ferns for the Batavia Garden. Diana Sharp will showcase ferns that have done well in her Batavia garden and those that "just did not work out". There will be a presentation and then we will have a discussion about our good, not so good, or "yet to have" experiences growing ferns in our area.
Time: Feb 16, 2021 06:45 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Link to join the Zoom Meeting (click on this link or copy it into your browser):
Or - go to and use the following to sign in to the meeting:
Meeting ID: 880 9328 6226
Passcode: 387995
OR join us by phone at
(312) 626-6799 US (Chicago)
using the Meeting ID: 880 9328 6226 and Passcode: 387995
Need help learning about or joining a Zoom meeting, contact Diana Sharp BEFORE the meeting to set up a mini tutorial by calling (630) 879-7578.