Monday, October 19, 2020

Learn About Composting......Join us TUESDAY October 20

The Batavia Plain Dirt Gardeners invites you to join us for a scheduled Zoom meeting

Oct 20, 2020

Speaker:   Kim Bohannon, Naturalist and Master Composter from the University of Vermont

Topic:  From Garbage to Garden: It's Compost Time!

Time:   6:45 p.m.

JUST A REMINDER.......Join us Tuesday night October 20 for the first fall meeting of the Batavia Plain Dirt gardeners.....via ZOOM!  

Ever wonder how to make potato peels, carrot tops, onion skins and other kitchen waste into beautiful compost? Are you confused about what can and cannot go into a compost bin? These questions and more will be answered by our October speaker!

Pre-registration  NOT required.

To join the meeting, click on the link below (or cut and paste the following into your computer browser)

If the link does not work for you, go to Zoom and use the following information:

BY COMPUTER (using your browser) Meeting ID: 741 2362 8146
BY COMPUTER (using your browser) Passcode: 8RRK2z

Or - if not using a computer, you can listen in by phone by dialing  1 (312) 626-6799
BY PHONE ONLY. When prompted, use Meeting ID: 741 2362 8146
BY PHONE ONLY. When prompted use Passcode: 556573

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

 Hello Gardeners!

Come see the fall colors!  This is a friendly reminder that we will be having a work day at the Wildflower Sanctuary on Saturday, October 17 starting at 9:00.  Please note the new (fall) starting time.  We will be meeting on the east (wooded) side to work on trimming, weeding and whatever else needs attention.  If you have them, please bring gardening gloves, clippers. loppers, weed diggers, something to tote clippings, eye protection, mask and drinking water. 
As an added bonus, I will be handing out wildflower seeds that were collected in my yard, and Al will have produce, including wacky and amazing tromboncinos.
Hope to see you then!
Sarah Kimber

Friday, October 2, 2020

New to using Zoom???

We are having a Batavia Plain Dirt Gardener’s Zoom meeting to learn about composting in a few weeks.  If you are new to Zoom, and want to learn how to use it, there are YouTube videos on how to use it OR, if you’d like, send Diana an email and she will set up a time to work with you by phone and computer to practice getting in to a meeting on your home computer (at a distance!) Her email is

You do not need a zoom account to sign in to a meeting.  All you need to do is “click” on the link sent to you for the meeting.  It should take you to the internet and right into the meeting.  To learn more, send her an email at the address above.