Hello all! |
Come take a six-feet apart stroll along the Batavia Riverwalk to see what is blooming. Pictured is Virginia bluebells (Mertensia virginica). There are other plants blooming too, but I don't want to ruin the surprise.
Some people wonder why so many of our plants have Virginia in the name if they are native to this area. The answer is that in the 1700's when the plants and animals in North America were being discovered and named, Virginia was huge. It extended to what is now Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, and even part of Minnesota.
Welcome back to Deb McGrath! She was a volunteer gardener in the past, and has returned after meeting Terri during a video conference.
Thank you so much to Al, Deb and Terri for your help last week! A lot of honeysuckle and deadheads went to the brush pile, and Deb worked on Plot 22. (at least I think that is the right number)
We still cannot have official work days, but I will be at the Wildflower Sanctuary on Saturday, May 2nd starting at 9:00, and I would love some company. I will be working in the area between the cut and the Riverain parking lot. Gardening gloves, eye protection, clippers, and loppers would be handy to bring. We still need to stay six feet apart and bring our own tools, water and snacks.
Thank you!
Sarah Kimber
Native Plants Chair