Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Wildflower Sanctuary News and Next Work Date

Thank you to Terri, Sue C., Kathie, Carol, Melissa and Nancy H. for their help at the Wildflower Sanctuary last weekend!  You can see the before and after views of the path up the hill in the attached photos taken by Terri H., and if you look closely, you will see a green dragon plant to the left of the path.  It is done blooming, but still cool.  A lot of weeding and trimming also got done on Saturday. 
Thanks too, to George Alewel from Fister Quarries for providing the sand!
Please save the date: our next work day will be Saturday, July 6 at 8:00 or 9:00 if you prefer.  I will have more details when the date gets closer.
Until then, have a happy July 4th!

Friday, June 21, 2019

Thanks and a Dish Towel......

Thank you to everyone who helped set up and/or clean up our Batavia Plain Dirt Gardener’s potluck on Tuesday, and for bringing the yummy food!  It seemed like a good way to kick off the summer. 

I found a blue and white dish towel just outside the Peg Bond Center.  If you lost it, please email me at Kimber2@mc.net.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Yellow with brown stripe.....

Want some day lilies that bloom yellow with a brown stripe?  They will be “on the curb” later today at 696 N. Van Nortwick.  The gardener there is “redoing” her garden in a new way.  Just drive by and pick some up.  Not sure if they will be in bags or sitting “by themselves”.  Enjoy!  

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Garden Walk Coordinator Needed

We need someone to coordinate the 2020 Garden Walk.  We have a committee of experienced people who helped last year and are willing to help with all the activities.  We need someone to cooordinate the committee and connect with the gardeners on the walk.  If you are interested, or even if you just want to learn more and decide not to do it, please call me and let’s talk.  This is a fun fund raiser for the club that brings people together and provides gardening joy to those in our community.  We hope to continue this tradition and have already identified at least two gardens to consider for the new gardenwalk in 2020.

This is the year we look for gardens, next year we hold the garden walk.  We have simplified the activities of the day of the garden walk and have local ticket sites and automated the ticket sales to make this a fun event.  If you like people and like bringing people together, it is easy to be successful with this project.

Please give me a call!  Diana Sharp (630) 879-7578