Saturday, January 14, 2017

Warm Up with a Public Gardens Tour

We are pleased to have Brock and Ruth Ann Seney join us Tuesday night to share their presentation "Inserting Public Gardens into Your Travels Plans.  a visit through pictures to public gardens from Hawaii to the east coast and points in between.  Come and bring a friend to enjoy this little vacation to warm places in the midst of January!
Social time 6:45 pm
Short business meeting (budget vote) 7:00 pm
Presentation follows business meeting
Join us at the Batavia Public Library meeting room and ward off winter for just a little while! 

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Volunteer to help JB Nelson 5th Graders Consider a Courtyard Garden Using Native Plants

The 5th Graders at J. B. Nelson need a volunteer or two to help them learn about native plants.  They are interested in potentially using native plants in their courtyard and looking for some basic information, help finding information and to think about how they might develop a plan for this at their school.  If you are interested in helping some motivated students, parents and teachers to explore ideas and learn more about native plants this semester, please contact Diana Sharp (630) 879-7578 for more information.  You do not need to be an expert, just someone who enjoys working with others and helping them discover information about native plants.  Spread the joy of native plants!  Volunteer.  You will be enriched more than you can even imagine!