Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Winter Birds in the Garden

Join us January 16 for the Batavia Plain Dirt Gardener’s meeting and program.  Bob and Kathy Andrini from the Kane County Audubon Society will present “Winter Birds”.  Learn about the habits, feeding likes, and ways to make your yard more welcoming to these feathered winter friends.  We have a short social time from 6:45 to 7pm, short business meeting at 7, and the Winter Birds presentation starts immediately following.  We meet at the Batavia Public Library on the corner of Wilson and Hwy 31.

Come join us to celebrate gardens in the middle of winter!

Friday, January 5, 2018

Batavia Plain Dirt Gardener Featured in Magazines!

Congratulations to Rosie McVay and her husband Pat.  Their garden was featured in two magazines this year.  We don't have the June issue of West Suburban Living Magazine article, which was focused on sustainable gardening, to share with you, but we do have the Chicago Land Gardening article written by Carolyn Ulrich and featuring Ron Capek’s photography.
You can access the article at


and it is titled "A Truly Modern Garden".  Congratulate Rosie when you next see her.